Maud Lewis and the Nova Scotia Terroir
Curated by Sarah Fillmore
Featuring work by Melanie Colosimo, Frances Dorsey, Ursula Johnson, Anne MacMillan, Sarah Maloney, & Charley Young
Featuring work by Melanie Colosimo, Frances Dorsey, Ursula Johnson, Anne MacMillan, Sarah Maloney, & Charley Young
" Just as the terroir informs the taste of wine, the themes that come from this place frame and colour the works being produced here. The region's climate, economic reality, commercial opportunities and critical artistic environment are born of historic precedent. These factors inform artistic production and consumption. This Terroir imbues specific character and flavour to the works gathered here. It is deep, flinty, smart and funny. It is serious and layered. The blood of many historic battles and systemic wrongs runs through the work. This exercise allows some degree of excavation into the terroir, but as with any great wine, the longer the work sits with one, the more is revealed."